I like the format. Lisa having an inside track does give the impression that there is little, if any, waste in the interview. And without lack of knowledge nor overflowing reverence. This cut to the chase whilst also giving room for full answers. That, or Lisa edited it REALLY well. Thanks.

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I'm really pleased you like the format, I think it suits Pat's conversational tone. It did take a lot of editing! Haha!

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Brilliant news! Really looking forward to reading these!

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Thanks for your support, appreciate it!

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This is actually my favorite comic book. I can't wait for it to be finished.

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Very excited about this, and to go back and start re-reading from #1. With a long ongoing series like this do you have a specific arc plotted out, or is it more a case of letting the world expand until it can't expand any further, and then tying up the loose ends?

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Funnily enough, I think the artist Olivier had a focus on this that drove the plot because he wanted the idea that Requiem was originally Thurim. We see that in volume one where there's a portrait of Thurim which Dracula has slashed with his claws. So that was Olivier’s idea: that Requiem had been here before. That kind of drove the plot, ultimately. Along the way I had to explore the world. It’s a little bit like Game of Thrones, you know: there's one world over here that’s Dystopia, and then there's the pirates over there, and so forth. But they're all connected with one core idea, which is the overthrow of Dracula. So although it does appear to meander a little from time to time, I think if you have a good story angle you just have to go with that meander, but it's still all ultimately driven by the need to overthrow the master of Draconia, Count Dracula.

Those meanders on occasion perhaps ran the risk of becoming a little too intense, I mean we had three pirates subplots at one point! But they’re great pirates! One of the elements you could say isn’t especially relevant is one of the best features of Requiem, which is the Heavy Metal Pirates, who are huge fans of Black Sabbat/Aleister Crowley. So we've pretty much kept ourselves to the driving plot and I think that shows itself in the volume I'm currently writing.

It’s similar on Claudia Vampire Knight where there's a driving plot: it in that case the plot is, will Claudia manage to get back to Earth to sacrifice her daughter on her 21st birthday, because if she doesn't she risks a eternal damnation

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Thanks. Those Pirates are great characters, you're right. I like that Olivier was so involved in the process. I'm writing a small press mini series right now, and it's very much been a collaborative effort between myself and the artist, who has brought several great concepts and story elements to the table.

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