Hi Pat, the hardback and deluxe hardback are only available as an add on. I would much prefer to pledge for the deluxe hardback without having to also buy the stapled comic for £10 plus shipping.

I am looking forward to the deluxe Sha. That was a great and straightforward campaign. I feel this campaign is less so, and I am still hesitating to make my pledge.

Are there any plans to change the rewards? I appreciate that this question has been asked on Kickstarter, but with no real response.

Keep up the good work and thanks.


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Hi Jermain, thanks for your comment, I see where you're coming from. We'll pass your feedback on to Tony, the campaign organiser.

-Lisa Mills

P.s. thanks also for your positive feedback on Sha!

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Hi Pat. Can you ship print copies to Canada? The drop down menu on the Kickstarter page shows the US as an option, but Canada is not on the list.

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Hi Paul, if you choose the US shipping that'll work. Make sure to look out for our backers survey when the campaign finishes so you can add your address. Thanks for your support!

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