If you missed last week’s Matriarchy versus Patriarchy (5), read it here: Eyes Wide Open.
Doctor Ammon Hillman made the most astonishing claims about the lewd behaviour of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane with a young boy. His evidence was his translation from the New Testament Greek.
They’re credible, chilling and horrible, but difficult to follow.
Not so the second stage of his work, which I’ll cover next week as it’s of great importance to Survivors of Catholic abuse today.
Meanwhile, let’s look at the ad hominem attacks as a result of his translations.
What you may see online about Ammon ranges from allegations about the Catholic College he taught at, to Christians sniggering – like Beavis and Butthead – about his private life, to criticisms of his wild, Muse-driven podcasts where he’s sticking two fingers up at his critics.
But they’re all perfect for ad hominem attacks, just like Roger Waters' brilliant live performance as a neo-Nazi in his tour of The Wall was taken completely out of context. Waters’ father was killed in the war, at the Battle of Anzio, after all.
However, what you may read online, is nothing compared to the ad hominem attacks on Hillman I’ve received when I posted about him on X. I wanted to ‘test the water’ to see whether I could ‘spread the word’ about his critique of Christianity. So I carefully detailed the second and most important, fairly restrained and relevant section of Hillman’s work – as far as modern-day Catholic Survivors are concerned.
What followed convinced me I was probably wasting my time.
Ignoring the modern-day relevance of Catholic abuse (of course), I received long and passionate attacks on Hillman by a reader. He claimed he had grown up on my stories, they made a big difference to his life, and he was deeply disappointed in me that I was daring to take Hillman seriously and even consider what he had to say.
I remember a Zionist wrote to tell me he was similarly deeply disappointed in me when I wrote about Gaza a few years ago.
I’m afraid they will both have to live with their deep disappointment.
This reader had an ever-changing and exhausting range of criticisms of Ammon. As soon as I rebutted one criticism, he came up with a new one. As follows:
Ammon was correct in his translation of the New Testament, but other sources had covered it much better.
He wouldn’t reveal who these other sources were.
Ammon was just doing it for the money. He was a fraud.
That seems unlikely. He would have a far bigger following if his presentations were ‘straight’ rather than theatrical. He even encourages viewers to read pirate copies of his books for free.
To quote Ammon himself, ‘You poison the well of inspiration when you sell it. The muse won’t speak to you.’
I know abusers when I see one and Hillman is clearly that personality type.
The reader’s self-declared credentials for this assessment is that he is the Irish seventh son of a seventh son.
As the Survivor of a number of abusers, I can only say that my abusers usually looked remarkably respectable and normal. Apart from one of them, who wore suede shoes.
He's working for the worst parts of the Catholic church. He's an actual satanic freemason. All he's doing is saying the quiet part aloud, and has been tasked with doing so. He's a top level masonic occultist serving a purpose for much worse people. Please don't fall for it.
He's deliberately trying to mislead people because most are ignorant about Babylon mysteries, which are evil. He's doing their job for them. He's just getting high on amphetamines and claiming to channel spiritual entities that give him secrets.
So Ammon is a double agent. He is secretly working for the Catholic Church and the Freemasons.
I have to say, the Catholic Church made a surprising choice appointing Ammon Hillman to be one of their secret agents. Unless they believed in truly deep cover assignments. In which case, could David Icke be a double agent? Could I be?
The amphetamines accusation is a cheap shot. I’ve watched earlier videos of Hillman from a decade or so earlier and he acts pretty much the same there. He may be neuro diverse, it may be a legacy from his teenage years as a Baptist preacher, but more likely it’s because he’s driven by the power of the Muse. Actually, it’s none of my business. Or his.
The catholic church is based on babylon/mary worship, which is an evil system, but that's not the same as Christianity or anything else. He's conflating the two so he can sell books and push his own agenda. He's running a masonic distraction campaign, revelation of the method etc
So, according to this reader, Ammon has knowingly ignored the ancient Babylonian faux-matriarchal, masonic origins of Christianity.
Wheels within wheels within wheels. Does it matter? My only interest is how the paedophile origins of the Catholic Church can be proven.
Here’s the opinion of reader Vince Ulam, which is rather more restrained.
I do not think two endorsements in a field of thousands which for centuries has not lit upon DH's ideas grants him any credibility. This aside, he was fired from a university position on grounds of sexual misconduct with students:
Thanks, Vince. Firstly, academics are unlikely to endorse him for the reasons I gave last week. Their jobs would be on the line.
But, significantly, they don’t repudiate him either.
I found Hillman’s endorsement by another academic that I previously quoted convincing, even if he did bring Buddha into it.
Vince then goes on to say that no one has lit upon his ideas for centuries .
That’s not the case.
As I’ve previously exampled, there’s reams and reams of material about the weird sexual practises of the early Christians. And not just the work of John Allegro, but contemporary writers from the time.
What makes Hillman’s work different and important is that he shows Jesus is directly involved and – as I discuss next week – there’s a covert continuity of Catholic abuse to the present day.
Here’s another example of early Christian weird sexual practices. That’s probably more than enough.
The Borborites
Spread across much of the Middle East, they were considered the filthiest and horniest Bible thumpers around. The Borborites took their marching orders from an apocryphal text called The Great Question of Mary. In this scripture, Jesus takes Mary Magdalene to the top of the Mount of Olives for what seems to be a romantic picnic. Instead, the “it’s-good-to-be-the-King-of-Kings” pulls out one of his ribs and turns it into a Kardashian-looking Eve. They perform the pompatus of love in front of Mary, whose reaction indicates that experimenting wasn’t something she ever considered in college. Worse of all, Jesus drinks from their leftover love-juices and tells Mary that this is the real elixir of salvation.
Jesus often says in the Bible, “go and do likewise.” The Borborites took it at heart!
From Bizarre Sexual Habits of the Early Christians
Vince then says Hillman was sacked for sexual misconduct.
I assume Vince is referring to the stalking allegation. It may be true. But the position is far from clear, especially as there are numerous other reasons why the college sacked him, as I related last week, including one of the actors claiming she was demonically possessed by Hillman in her dreams.
According to Wikipedia, students were actually supportive of Hillman. Whether that would be the case if he was a stalker seems unlikely, though not impossible. Here’s what it had to say:
The school's administrators found the play's message, as well as the use of the fascina,(dildos) uncomfortable, banning the use of the objects as well as later terminating Hillman from his position entirely. Many students, as well as fellow professors, protested the firing, claiming that the school was actively censoring Hillman's freedom of speech.
I’d say the jury was out. If his work becomes widely known, then I assume the Establishment will dig and dig and will eventually find some dirt on him, anyway.
Because in our world, shooting the messenger is so much more important than reading the message. Especially when the reputation of Jesus Christ himself is at stake.
In fact, this is really all about Hillman’s Muse.
This is why his work is so deliberately provocative and why he attracts a pitchfork mob of biblical scholars and people on social media who hate mavericks, instinctively trust in orthodoxy and defend the status quo
Hillman’s Muse clearly has a deep hatred for Christianity. It’s what is driving him. It’s why he is provoking the biblical scholars. My own Muse feels the same way. Well, she would do, seeing as she was burnt at the stake by Catholics.
Of course the Muse is a fluid energy form as much Ancient Greece as France in the Middle Ages. And Ancient Greece is where she is most identified and worshipped.
The Muse can feel like a form of possession – although that’s a negative word, and the experience is entirely positive, as I’ve related in Pageturners. And, if you’re a writer, a musician or an artist, it’s actually okay to have internal conversations with yourself. Society graciously permits it. If you’re an accountant who was found talking to himself, it could be a bit tricky.
Endless people – usually creatives – are possessed by their Muse. There’s nothing elite or unique about it. But most people, wisely, think it’s best not to talk about it in a world where the arrogant Gods of Science rule.
Because Science dismisses the Muse as the workings of their ill-defined subconscious, rather than a separate, autonomous, ‘psychic’ energy or entity. And, if it becomes too vocal, challenging or dangerous, they would prescribe drugs to silence her.
Like Hillman’s, my Muse sees the world I live in as part of an ongoing battle between the Matriarchy and the Patriarchy, with patriarchal Catholics as her principal enemy.
That is why I write these current posts and ‘tested the water’ on social media. I’m following her instructions. What a 17th century psychic entity thinks of X and Elon Musk I have no idea. She hasn’t shared that with me. But my preliminary conclusion is that in the battle between matriarchy and patriarchy, and getting the message out there, X is a non-starter. Well, we had to try.
But my Muse has not forgotten and she has not forgiven. Anymore than victims of the Nazis do not forget or forgive. The Catholic Church’s crimes, over time, are far worse. Emotions cross time – and I’ve felt them. It was not a pleasant experience. Indeed, her sense of time is entirely different from ours and she despises our modern interpretation of time, which she sees as primitive.
She once made me hurl my watch across the room because she regards such instruments with utter contempt. It’s why I always wear cheap watches. Friends notice I’m endlessly fiddling with the strap, then taking my watch off and losing it, something I do often and completely ‘subconsciously’. That’s the Muse. It’s also why I always wear a red watch strap: so it’s easier to find it again.
I’m usually far too reticent to reveal as much as Hillman does about his Muse. Instead, I write about her in fictional form – like Sha, which is safer. And back in the day, in Black Siddha (in the Megazine).
Here’s what Hillman actually discloses:
‘I have a cheat… you want to hear my cheat? I’d love to… can I tell your audience? I shouldn’t do this because I’m exposing myself… and you’re never supposed to expose yourself as a magician but… I have a cheat…
I have a muse — and this muse is a dead girl that I am able to talk to via a practice handed down from the late Bronze Age. And she is able to resurrect in front of my eyes the spirits of the dead. And I call them up, one by one…’
Hillman later goes on to say that:
‘We need Amazonian women to bring us back to balance to bring us Justice and Nemesis.’
So true. In this way, the Matriarchy could defeat the Patriarchy. Sadly, currently, it’s not doing so well. Certainly not on X.
Writer Darin Stevenson has this to say about Hillman:
Some have accused him of being a drug user, or being intoxicated during his interviews or presentations. They do not understand the man, his mission, or his mind. I recognize in him something I’ve not merely seen, but known firsthand. Mantic, prophetic fury. Passions that arise only in intimacy with unimaginable mystery, and nonordinary encounters with the dead, the gods, daimons and… the muses.
His ‘muse’ he calls a dead girl. And it’s clear he’s married to her. He adores her like a living woman or a goddess. They are one, and she casts her intoxications into his mind, his body and his way of life. You can sense her proximity in his speech.
Here’s another description of the Muse, the entities that motivate many of us and are rarely acknowledged because of the patriarchal world we live in that disapproves of any such euphoria. Why? Because the patriarchy is the domain of the Archons, who are anti-life.
The Muses induced a sort of creativity that was akin to dreaming, ecstasy, or intoxication; it was a form of divine inspiration that compelled Classical authors to create the masterpieces we call the classics. The idea of divine intoxication is missing in today's most common religions, but in antiquity it was a palpable element of Classical education and the work of the literate. Many authors personally dedicated their works to this ideal, feeling that their inspiration was a gift from above, and many of them believed the Muses had personally kindled their inner artistic passions. The power of the gods to inspire dreams and visions was inseparable from human creativity; two thousand years ago, before genetics and neuroscience, the Western world believed that human genius was a celestial gift, not an inborn talent or a factor of neurological development. Modern distinctions between imagination, creativity, dreaming, and hallucinations would have been foreign to Classical civilization, and that is precisely why the Greeks and Romans believed the process of drug intoxication was nothing less than a means of opening an avenue of communication between the divine world and the realm of mortals.
I have a dislike of drugs, which is unusual for a sixties generation boomer. I’ve always steered away from them, especially in the 1960s era of flower power. The reason is because of their criminal use by Catholic priests and other ‘straight’ abusers, so removed from the more comfortable and cliched stereotype of flower power, druggie hippies.
When your ‘respectable’ Catholic teacher shoves chloroform in your face to subdue you, it kind of puts you off drugs.
Anyway, in my case, I didn’t need drugs to get in touch with the Muse.
But I absolutely agree with the author’s conclusion: any abilities I have are not an innate talent, but an external gift from the Muse.
However, I’m well aware that we should ‘Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.’ Especially Ancient Greeks. But thankfully, we are on the same side. Even so, what is overlooked in those descriptions of the Muse is that the process is not a one-way street. So the Muse is not some resource to be drawn upon when required. To be turned on and off like a tap. She will want something in exchange. What that something is will vary for everyone of us.
So, in my case, what does she want in return…?