Jul 22Liked by Pat Mills

Let's just pretend that this wasn't a Pat Mills story and I went into this blindly.

Artwork? Awesome. Such a great blend of Old Warhammer/40k/Fighting Fantasy/D&D/70s Fantasy... I'd get it just for that.

Story? Sounds very promising, efficient hooks being laid, protagonists being introduced with specific quirks up front. Dark humour! Excellent.

Specifics? The mushroom and the cross as source material? 😂 Genius! Now I know that this story will actually have something to say and won't just be any other fantasy type "meh" strip.

And that, my friends, is why Pat Mills is a Master Storyteller, regardless of the medium. Roll on the rest of this story, it already looks superb 😄👌

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Looks great. Shame that there isn't a version in English.

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